The Common Struggle with Prayer
Prayer is one of the essential aspects of working on one’s faith. When it comes to prayer, almost anyone ends up asking themselves at least occasionally if they are doing it correctly.
It almost calls to mind someone who has an “anxious attachment” in their relationships:
· “Is He there?”
· “Why doesn’t He answer?”
· “Did I do something wrong?”
· “Does He still love me?”
· “Did He ever love me?”
Have you ever felt this way when trying to work on your faith and relationship with God? If so, pause. Take a few deep breaths. And reflect on this—
There Is No "Right" or "Wrong" Way to Pray
There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way to pray. The important thing is your earnest desire to communicate and foster a relationship with God.
That said, here are a few components of praying to consider:
1. Pray with Intention
If you were brought up in a home where prayer was said every dinnertime, think of how rote that ritual may have become. The words may have come out mechanically, without any thought behind them.
This type of praying may be something to avoid. Rather, consider what it is you want to say and why you want to share it with God.
2. Prayer Is Not Transactional
Try to avoid bargaining with God. “If you help me get this job, I promise I will go to church every day for the rest of my life.”
There isn’t anything wrong with praying for something meaningful to you in your life. However, striking “deals” may not be the best way to go about it. God does have a plan for you, but it isn’t a business proposal.
3. Keep It Real
Sincerity is really what this is all about. A sincere desire to communicate and open your heart and soul to God is more important than how you pray. The mechanics are not important. Your intentions are.
4. Be Consistent and Patient
We are conditioned by our culture much in the way of those old laboratory mice. Push a lever, and a tasty food pellet comes out—instant gratification.
Pick up our phones, tap the screen, and shiny images and messages flash before our eyes—instant dopamine.
God doesn’t operate like our phones. He isn’t conditioning us with the pleasure principle. His focus is on meaning, and His plans for us are far grander than and Instagram.
The Beauty of Imperfect Prayer
The bottom line is there isn’t any need to overthink the correct way to pray. Think of God like a loving parent watching over His child, whom He loves more than anything in the universe.
If He is watching His child take their first steps, will He mind if that child stumbles?
Will He be angry if that child walks sideways for a moment?
Would He be displeased even if that child falls back gently on their butt?
Of course not.
If He sees that child pick themselves back up and try again, He will beam with a love unlike any other. He will be happy. And that child will continue to walk on the righteous path in life with a spring in their step and God in their heart.