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Expert Guidance from a Men’s Relationship Coach

February 14, 2025

There is a great book written years ago called “Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus."

I haven’t met too many people who have read the book cover to cover. However, it is an instance wherein a title resonated with people so deeply that it transcended the material itself. More people remembered this title than people who read the book.

Many men today seem to feel a revised title should be made for this book: “Men and Women Come from Alternate Universes."

Indeed, for many men, it would appear to be no longer a matter of a simple planetary difference!

Understanding the Reality of Modern Relationships

According to the most recent statistics, the divorce rate is :

  • Close to 50% for first marriages
  • 60% for second marriages
  • 73% for third marriages

Something that makes these statistics even more daunting is that among couples who stay married, as many as 40% report not being happy with their marriage. Often, couples stay together for reasons other than having a happy and fulfilled relationship.

Eye-Opening Divorce and Dating Statistics

Here are some more statistics many people are not aware of :

  • 70% of divorces are initiated by wives
  • Men report regret and difficulty readjusting to being single post-divorce more than twice that of women
  • Nearly half of single men report that dating has become much more difficult over the last decade

It calls to mind the old Saturday Night Live skit :

"I’m just a simple caveman. Your world confuses and frightens me"

While the world confuses and frightens both genders, men can use some extra help navigating the universe we currently inhabit.

How a Men’s Relationship Coach Can Help

Among the things that men can learn from skilled relationship coaching are :

  • Fostering deeper emotional connections with their partner
  • How to resolve conflict more quickly
  • Navigating traditional masculinity within today’s cultural standards
  • How to listen to understand, rather than listen to respond
  • How to increase Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • How to heal from past relationship trauma
  • Gaining confidence and improved self-esteem

The Path to a More Fulfilling Relationship

Whether you are currently in a relationship or marriage, or single and contemplating finding a new life partner, men of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from the guidance and support of a skilled and experienced relationship coach.

Take the First Step Toward Relationship Success

A Men’s Relationship Coach can provide the tools, insights, and support needed to navigate modern relationships with confidence. Don’t let uncertainty or past experiences hold you back - reach out today and discover how expert guidance can help you build stronger, more fulfilling connections.

By Erik Rostamian March 12, 2025
The Common Struggle with Prayer Prayer is one of the essential aspects of working on one’s faith. When it comes to prayer, almost anyone ends up asking themselves at least occasionally if they are doing it correctly. It almost calls to mind someone who has an “ anxious attachment ” in their relationships: · “Is He there?” · “Why doesn’t He answer?” · “Did I do something wrong?” · “Does He still love me?” · “Did He ever love me?” Have you ever felt this way when trying to work on your faith and relationship with God? If so, pause. Take a few deep breaths. And reflect on this— There Is No "Right" or "Wrong" Way to Pray There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way to pray. The important thing is your earnest desire to communicate and foster a relationship with God. That said, here are a few components of praying to consider: 1. Pray with Intention If you were brought up in a home where prayer was said every dinnertime, think of how rote that ritual may have become. The words may have come out mechanically, without any thought behind them. This type of praying may be something to avoid. Rather, consider what it is you want to say and why you want to share it with God. 2. Prayer Is Not Transactional Try to avoid bargaining with God. “If you help me get this job, I promise I will go to church every day for the rest of my life.” There isn’t anything wrong with praying for something meaningful to you in your life. However, striking “deals” may not be the best way to go about it. God does have a plan for you, but it isn’t a business proposal. 3. Keep It Real Sincerity is really what this is all about. A sincere desire to communicate and open your heart and soul to God is more important than how you pray. The mechanics are not important. Your intentions are. 4. Be Consistent and Patient We are conditioned by our culture much in the way of those old laboratory mice. Push a lever, and a tasty food pellet comes out— instant gratification. Pick up our phones, tap the screen, and shiny images and messages flash before our eyes— instant dopamine. God doesn’t operate like our phones. He isn’t conditioning us with the pleasure principle. His focus is on meaning, and His plans for us are far grander than and Instagram. The Beauty of Imperfect Prayer The bottom line is there isn’t any need to overthink the correct way to pray. Think of God like a loving parent watching over His child, whom He loves more than anything in the universe. If He is watching His child take their first steps, will He mind if that child stumbles? Will He be angry if that child walks sideways for a moment? Would He be displeased even if that child falls back gently on their butt? Of course not.  If He sees that child pick themselves back up and try again, He will beam with a love unlike any other. He will be happy. And that child will continue to walk on the righteous path in life with a spring in their step and God in their heart.
By Erik Rostamian March 12, 2025
A Common Dining Dilemma You’re out on a big date with your significant other; you’ve been looking forward to this night for weeks; you carefully selected an elegant restaurant, which you think you’ll both enjoy (after endlessly going back and forth between options!). The somewhat snobby waiter brings out your orders. After pouring yourself a glass of wine, you cut into your filet mignon. To your great disappointment, your steak is well done. You clearly ordered it rare. How do you handle this situation? Three Common Responses to Conflict Many people would pick one of the following three options: 1. Passive Response They say and do nothing. They muddle through chewing their tough-as-leather, overpriced steak and try to make the best of the situation. 2. Passive-Aggressive Response They say nothing but fail to leave a tip for the snobby waiter—knowing it may not be his fault but, hey, they feel a need to deal with the frustration somehow. 3. Aggressive Response They demand to speak to their waiter in a voice loud enough for many other patrons to hear. They embarrass their date by acting in a way not unlike Jack Nicholson in The Shining as he chops through a bathroom door with an ax. Understanding Conflict Styles The above ways of responding to this scenario represent three styles of how people commonly deal with potentially conflictual situations: 1. Passively 2. Passively aggressively 3. Aggressively Many of us feel that the above three styles are our only options in dealing with such things. However, there is another: ASSERTIVELY Why Assertiveness Matters Perhaps the scenario in question represents a first-world problem. However, we all face many situations with others, which play a major role in the quality of our lives. · How do we respond when we feel judged or criticized by a family member? · What’s our reaction when a co-worker speaks to us in a disrespectful manner? · What do we say when a friend keeps asking for money that’s never paid back? The Assertive Approach Assertiveness is responding in a clear, confident, but quiet and non-aggressive manner. Think “walk softly and carry a big stick.” We are respectful and polite to those we are speaking to but know that we need to advocate for ourselves and what is best for us. Here is how one might respond assertively to our original scenario with the leather steak: “Excuse me sir. I’m disappointed with my steak. I ordered it rare, but it is quite well done. I’d appreciate having a fresh one, and some consideration for our meals not being ready at the same time.”  Assertiveness: A Lifelong Skill There is often a learning curve for assertiveness to become second nature. However, it is a skill that, once mastered, will pay dividends for the rest of our lives—especially when what’s at stake is more than just steak!
A woman is running down a road with the sun shining behind her
February 5, 2025
Explore the transformative power of love through a powerful story of pain, redemption, and faith. Discover how love can endure all things, as seen in both personal experiences and the wisdom of Viktor Frankl.
A man is giving a woman a rose and a glass of champagne.
January 24, 2025
The key to effective communication: validation. Learn 3 simple secrets to enhance your conversations and build stronger relationships
Two men are sitting in a lotus position on the ground.
January 8, 2025
Discover the true meaning of forgiveness, what it is and isn’t, and how embracing thissuperpower can heal wounds and transform lives. Learn inspiring examples and actionable insights.
A woman is using a laptop computer while holding a cell phone.
December 19, 2024
The Link Between Multitasking and Mental Health Worldwide rates of depression and anxiety are at all-time highs. There may not be one simple reason we can point to in attempting to explain this. However, there is little doubt that a contributing factor can be summarized by a single word we hear all too often: multitasking. The Myth of Productivity We all have responsibilities that need to be met and multiple demands upon our time. However, many of us attempt to do too much in the mistaken assumption that it makes us more productive. It is important to remember that quantity can adversely affect quality. However, it is not merely a question of productivity that is of concern here. Sleep : A Shocking Statistic In 1960 only 2% of Americans averaged less than 7 hours of sleep nightly. Today that percentage has grown to almost 40%! Adequate sleep is crucial to both physical and emotional well-being. Your brain “sweeps” itself clean of toxins during sleep, so you are literally poisoning yourself by not getting enough! What are we doing differently in today’s world that is causing us to do this to ourselves? Have Demands Really Increased Over Time? Here’s the question: Do people today really have more responsibility and demands on their time as compared to people in 1960? In 1960 my father was a full-time student while working two jobs to pay for his education. I don’t think my father ever suffered a day of depression or excess anxiety in his life. What I’m driving at is that today’s world seems to be cultivating a culture that compulsively engages in more, more and more. How many of the things that we do are truly necessary? Indeed, how many of the things we do are vital in positively impacting the quality of our lives and our emotional well-being? The name of the game here is to learn to simplify our lives wherever possible. Parents : It is O.K. if your child is not participating in 5 different clubs and/or team sports; let them have their down time too. College students : Your resume upon graduation doesn’t need to list achievements in an enormous array of extracurricular activities while maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA. Everyone : Cut down the internet chatter and block out “technology” free breaks in your daily schedule. Nothing bad will happen if you do this for a couple hours each day to focus all your attention on family, friends, or simple reflection on your own. I would encourage all of us to start looking at where we can cut back on the hectic pace of our lives. Where can we “streamline”? What can we give up? Can we cut back by 30 minutes daily internet screen time, watching TV, or the length of work meetings? The Power of Simplification I realize what I am suggesting goes against the grain of our culture today. However, please do not underestimate the power of learning how to simplify your life.
Two glasses of alcohol with straws on a wooden table.
December 13, 2024
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
A man is walking past a blue food truck on the side of the road.
December 13, 2024
There are so many good reasons to communicate with site visitors. Tell them about sales and new products or update them with tips and information.
A woman is drinking a cup of coffee in a park.
December 13, 2024
Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic that will interest your readers, invite an expert to write about it.
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